研究方向: 多尺度多场耦合岩石本构理论。
主持国家自然科学基金面上项目和青年基金项目各1项;主持中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金项目1项;作为主要成员参加国家自然科学基金重点项目1项。已发表SCI / EI论文20余篇。参与编写地质灾害防治工程行业规范一部。获湖北省科学技术进步奖一等奖一项;获湖北省高等学校教学成果奖一等奖一项。
主讲课程 :《基础工程学》、《基坑工程》
(1) 2009-09 至 2011-07, 法国里尔第一大学 (Université de Lille 1) , 土木工程 (岩土工程) , 博士
(2) 2006-09 至 2009-09, 武汉大学, 岩土工程, 硕博连读
(3) 2002-09 至 2006-06, 武汉大学, 土木工程, 学士
(1) 2021-12 至 今, 77779193永利官网 (武汉) , 77779193永利官网, 教授
(2) 2013-12 至 2021-12, 77779193永利官网 (武汉) , 77779193永利官网, 副教授
(3) 2011-07 至 2013-12, 77779193永利官网 (武汉) , 77779193永利官网, 讲师
(1) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 41877265, 水化学作用下饱和脆性砂岩蠕变损伤机理与细观力学模型, 2019-01-01 至 2022-12-31, 62万元, 资助期满, 主持
(2) 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年基金项目, 51209188, 基于细观力学的饱和脆性砂岩各向异性损伤机理与本构模型研究, 2013-01-01 至 2015-12-31, 25万元, 资助期满, 主持
(1) Xie, Ni* ; Sun, Chenguang ; Li, Pengcheng ; Effects of Aqueous and Acid Erosions on the Cracking Behavior of Sandstone Captured by High-Speed Camera During Semi-circular Bend (SCB) Tests, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2021, 54(8): 4147-4161 (T1)
(2) Xie, Ni* ; Tang, Huiming; Yang, Jinbao; Jiang, Qinghui ; Damage Evolution in Dry and Saturated Britt le Sandstone Revealed by Acoustic Characterization Under Uniaxial Compression, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2021, 55(3): 1303-1324 (T1)
(3) Yan, Shaojun; Xie, Ni* ; Liu, Jianhui; Li, Li; Peng, Lizhou; Jiang, Siwei ; Salt weathering of sandstone under dehydration and moisture absorption cycles: An experimental study on the sandstone from Dazu rock carvings, Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2022, 47(4): 977-993 (T2)
(4) Hu, Xunjian ;Xie, Ni* ; Zhu, Qizhi ; Chen, Liang ; Li, PengCheng ; Modeling Damage Evolution in Heterogeneous Granite Using Digital Image-Based Grain-Based Model, Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2020, 53(11): 4925-4945 (T1)
(5) 谢妮; 王丁浩; 吕阳; 高青; 酸腐蚀作用下川渝红层砂岩蠕变特性试验研究, 地质科技通报, 2022, 41(05): 141-149. (T4)
(6) 谢妮; 孙晨光; 李鹏程 ; 水化学作用下砂岩力学特性劣化试验研究, 科学技术与工程, 2021, 21(23): 9805-9813 (中文核心期刊)
(7) Ni Xie, Qizhi Zhu, Jianfu Shao*, Lihua Xu, Micromechanical analysis of damage in saturated quasi brittle materials, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2012, 49(6): 919–928. (SCI).
(8) Ni Xie, Qizhi Zhu, Lihua Xu , Jianfu Shao*, A micromechanics-based elastoplastic damage model for quasi-brittle rocks, Computers and Geotechnics, 2011, 38(8): 970–977. (SCI).
(9) Ni Xie*, Jinbao Yang, Jianfu Shao, Study on the Hydromechanical Behavior of Single Fracture under Normal Stresses, KSCE Journal of Civil Engineering, 2014, 18(6): 1641-1649. (SCI).
(10) Guangcheng Zhang, Ni Xie*, Huiming Tang, Lu Zhang, Jiangpeng Wu, Survey and cause analyses of ground surface deformation near a foundation pit slope: a case study in the Three Gorges area, China, Natural Hazards, 2015, 75 (1): 13-31. (SCI)
(11) Jianwen Chen, Fei Chen, Ni Xie*, Study on fractal characteristics of pore structure in salt rock based on mercury injection data, Disaster Advances, 2013, 6(s2): 12-19. (SCI )
(12) Ni Xie, Jinbao Yang, Huiming Tang, Elastoplastic damage model for quasi-brittle rocks based on continuum micromechanics—a review, 3rd ISRM SINOROCK 2013 Symposium, 2013, Shanghai, P.R. China, 2013.6.18-6.20. (EI).
(13) Jinbao Yang, Xiating Feng, Ni Xie*, Study on long-term permeability evolution of Beishan granite fracture under groundwater seepage, 3rd ISRM SINOROCK 2013 Symposium, 2013, Shanghai, P.R. China, 2013.6.18-6.20. (EI)
(14) Qi-zhi Zhu, Jian-fu Shao, Ni Xie. Homogenization-based poroplasticity damage formulations for cohesive-frictional geomaterials. Proceedings of the Fifth Biot Conference on Poromechanics, ASCE, 2013, 1732-1735. (EI)
(15) Qinghui Jiang, Wei Wei, Ni Xie, Chuangbing Zhou. Stability analysis and treatment of a reservoir landslide under impounding conditions: a case study. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75:2. (SCI)
(1) 谢妮(14/15); 复杂条件下路堤稳定控制关键技术与应用, 湖北省人民政府, 科技进步, 省部一等奖, 2018